Friday, 17 March 2023


 Often prophets-catastrophlogists, economists, journalists or simply intellectuals attribute the expected or actual disasters to the "economic bubble" and specifically to the fact that the dollar and euro are inflationary currencies and are issued without gold backing. (Fiat currencies).

But the truth is that another form of "bubble" is responsible for these disasters, such as of Silicon Valley Bank.

The "time bomb with an unpredictable moment of explosion" in the economy is not the inflationary currency or the Fiat currency. It is the "unfair" and toxic  way banks operate for reasons of greed for super-profits.

Banks have two forms of commercial operation.

a) Empty deposits= the nominal value of the deposits is more than 10 times greater than the number of banknotes available to the bank

b) "Empty lending" = the nominal value of the lented money of all the  banks is more than 10 times greater than the number of banknotes in circulating in society (accounting money M1, M2, M3)

Even if the silicon valley bank did not operate with money but with gold deposits and gold lending, it would still collapse due to the bubble of empty-deposits and empty-loans ( reasons of greed for super-profits).

It is like a joggleur-magician who has 10 balls in the air to be recycled (accounting "empty money" M1 M2, M3) while he has two only hands (number of banknotes). However, it gives the impression as if it has 10 hands...

The return to the gold Standard even in a partial form might me expected to happen about the years f the peak of the population on earth, in other words 2045-2065. This is so because the inflationary character of issuing paper currency fits the increase of the population on earth.

Of course, a rule that makes the issues  a currency so that it is not inflationary and much better than the rule of gold is that the back-up (collateral)  of the issued money is the size of the population or perhaps a weighted average of the size of the population, gross domestic product and total fixed assets of the country.

Meanwhile it is much more probable that the central banks world wide will issue parallel to paper currency also digital currency probably partially backed up with gold.