How the euro should function (this applies to other currencies too like US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Swedish Corona, Greek Drachma etc)
1) The central agency of issue of the euro (now the ECB, EKT), should be a non-profit organization completely controlled by the eurogroup ie by the finance ministers of the nations of euro.,
2) The issued euro must belong according to population percentages and GDP percentages, the respective Ministries of Finance of each nation of Euro-zone.
3) The circulation of newly-issued Euro should be at most by 20% to its totality , through the banking system or through debt. The remaining more than 80% must circulate through salaries, pensions, insurance, minimum subsidy for survival (mimimum income) , grants, social investments, business investment, etc. This measure prevents the periodic occurrence about each 50-80 years of debt-crisis , and creates a stable economy. With such a measure, the percentage of the liabilities to assets of the average enterprise will be not 66%, that is now, but less than 33%. Also in public economics the debt as percentage of the to GDP will be less than 33%.
In this way the euro will serve the national interests, of the nations of the eurozone much more than now and it will not violate their constitutions.
Now the Euro
1) Is issued by a for profit private bank ( the ECB) , which is not controlled by the Ministries of Finance (Eurogroup).
2) When issuing the money, whether electronically with the demand for loans from banks or by by special decisions, the newly issued euro belongs to the private ECB!
3) The only circulation of the issued euro is obligatory through debts and the banking system ( and that is why the excessive debt is created in the societies).
In the latter present mode of functioning, the euro, serves not the national interests of the nations of the Eurozone but the private interests of a tiny financial oligarchy (private owners of the local central banks ). It also violates many constitutions of many nations of the Eurozone.
Unfortunately the design error of euro (and many European currencies in the past) was not accidental, was deliberate, and with this it was generated debt-crisis. Then by by "draconian measures" (=very restrictive and cruel measures) this power of the financial oligarchy and of their associates, is preserved at the cost of the interests of the majority.
Therefore in the current monetary systems of private central banks, there is an art of exercising misanthropic will by presenting it as if of an objective necessity of a phenomenological scarcity of goods and money.
Therefore in the current monetary systems of private central banks, there is an art of exercising misanthropic will by presenting it as if of an objective necessity of a phenomenological scarcity of goods and money.
(See also
The 5 toxic functions of the monetary and banking system are described below. They are not only of the commercial banks but of the central Bank as well. Either the central bank being private as in Italy and Greece or public as in England:
1) Macroeconomic enforcement of debt.
Because from the moment of new issuing of the base of the currency (sometimes denoted by M0 money) and banknotes of the central bank, the supply and circulation of it is exclusively through debt. Either as debt of the commercial banks, or as debt of the public sector when public bonds are bought with it by the central bank. The non-election-able bureaucrats of the central bank do not know better what is good even financially for the society compared to the total sequence ofthe governments, partliaments , Universities and the rest of the collective intelligence of the civilization. The central bank should not be a bank at all, but a non-profit public organization, othewise its function is unethical and toxic! The same tocic function have also the commercial banks, that also enforce in a macroeconomic the debt in the society, The circulation of money starting from the central bank to the commercial banks and from the commercial banks to the rest of the economy, is forced to be by debt. They do not allow other forms of supply of money from the moments the banknote (base of the currency) is issued. The central bank issues the base of the currency (M0 money) and the commercial banks the accounting money M1, M2, M3. All ofthe M0, M1, M2, M3 circulates exclusively by debt. This is not the case e.g. with other digtal currences, the digtal cryptocurrencies like the bitcoin etc
2) Empty-lending.
As the commercial banks are creating the M1, M2, M3 money, which are debt ,that they create in society , the do so with rules so that the total M1+M2+M3 it is by far larger than the existing money in circulation in bank notes (M0 money). Therefore, the moment the acrobatics of timing-balance of mutual payments collapses, like a castle of playing cards of a deck, a new debt crisis is created. This is unavoidable to happen every 70-100 years, on the occusio of a fast change in the economy.
3) Money-issuing mediating.
After analyzing the balance sheets of most banks and in the majority of the years, it becomes clear that the role of the commercial banks is to intermediate between the money M0 and bank notes that the central banks is issuing and the rest of the economy that wants to use. The obvious reason for this is that a commercial bank finds cheaper to borrow money from the central bank and then lend it in the economy, compared to attract deposits from the households and enterprises and then lend it. Thus the old fashioned “positive image" of the reason of existence of the banks so as to collect surplus money and supply it to the productive sector is naive and incorrect. As many intermediating agents and roles in the economy, it does not really act productively but in a parasitic way puts the breaks in the development of the really productive economy. Thus statistically in the average the debt-burden or debt-capital of every enterprise is about double the equities or owneres capital (debt capital equal to about 2/3 of the total assest). The parasitic role of the money-issuing mediating is so especially when it is a finacial human right of surviving for every person to have direct access, personally, to the issued base-currency , at least in the form of a basic income.
4) Abusive monopolistic ownership of money issuing.
This toxic functions is mainly for the central bank which issues the base of the currency (M0 money). The commercial banks create the accounting money M1, M2 , M3.
It is monopolistic because normally this jurisdiction and role of issuing the base of the currency M0 should belong to the public sector, the Ministry of Finance which can perform it without enforcing debt, and not to private investors (in the case of private central banks) , or even group of non-election-able independent bureaucrats (case of independent public central bank) . There is the article 123 of the agreement for the function of the European Union (Maastricht) , which states that the bureaucrats of the European Central Bank , they are not obliged to ask the opinion or take the permission of any government or parliament in the Eurozone in their decisions for issuing money, regulating interest rates and suppling it in the economies!
5) De-facto abusiveness of decision making in politics through monopolistic money decisions.
Exactly because of the above, article 123 of the agreement for the function of the European Union (Maastricht) , which states that the bureaucrats of the European Central Bank , they are not obliged to ask the opinion or take the permission of any government or parliament in the Eurozone in their decisions for issuing money, regulating interest rates and suppling it in the economies, the governments have lost their basic ability of running their politics, because obviously any kind of politics costs money and requires controlling the issuing and circulation of money. Especially when the currency is no longer a scarce resource (as the rule of the gold in issuing of money does not hold anymore) but an instrument to enforce power in the societies. The non-election-able and non-publicly elected bureaucrats of the central bank do not know better what is good even financially for the society compared to the total sequence ofthe governments, partliaments , Universities andthe rest of the collective intelligence of the civilization. The central bank should not be a bank at all, but a non-profit public organization, othewise its function is unethical and toxic!
All the above create in a periodic way of 70-100 years great debt crises and economic destructions in the societies.
The basic human rights are based on the basic 7 human freedoms.
This principle is fundamental, as it determines how the society is to function without violating individual freedoms.
The 7 basic individual freedoms are
1.1) Spiritual freedom (freedom of religion or no religion)
1.2) Freedom of Political Decisions (Direct Democracy)
1.3) Expressive-creative freedom (freedom of speech)
1.4) Moral freedom (freedom from fear and externally imposed values)
1.5) Economic freedom (freedom from necessity)
1.6) Physical freedom (actions).
1.7) The freedom of private ownership (having, as far as it is not a against the collective good).
These freedoms lead to the basic 5 Human Rights
No man, nor society, can imprison anyone unless it is punishment for a crime after impartial trial. In any case, no torture is permissible for anyone either for retaliation or with the excuse of national security
2.1) Given the abolition of the rule of gold, each person has a direct and individual right by his name, without borrowing, on any money issued by any organization, like ministry of finance or central bank etc. This right is analogous to the automatic right to health insurance.
2.2) Everyone, as a heir of the civilization which has been created by the the previous generations, is entitled, as a measure of basic freedom of survival , from the day of birth till the day of death, to a minimum subsistence allowance of survival, for food, clothing, shelter and transport. And this right is analogous to the automatic right to health insurance.
Every person and citizen has not only the right to vote in politics in equal terms with each other, but also has the right to express his or her direct voter's decision (direct, not representative democracy) in any political decision, particularly those concerning him directly , without the mediation of representatives (political parties, parliaments, senates and governments).
Everyone is entitled to the secrecy of privacy and personal information, for reasons similar to the secrecy of political polls. In no case a massive national scale violation of it is to be allowed , through the internet or other ways, to do so without a judicial decision, which may apply only to particular individual and only very few individual cases. On the other hand no institution or organization has the right to hide from the public, or the state information significant for the collective function of the society (e.g. information about owners of the central banks, and details of how , when and with what transactions, money is issued and circulated)
No one , the society or institutions etc can impose on a person without his consent a morality of the type, that the spiritual path or the path of evolution of the human consciousness passes exclusively through a particular religion, or historical person or an absent existence or the small group of existences visible the invisible. Everyone is encouraged to be in contact with his deeper spirit and soul consciousness, but only when these collectively converge, then the society and civilization actually prospers.
We may summarize the trend of evolution in humanity in the following 3 stages
Feudalism: A Royal oligarchy gains it power over the majority my owning the land.
Capitalism: A larger than the Royal oligarchy gains it power over the majority by owning the issuing and circulation of money.
Digitalism: An even larger oligarchy than the large capital of the banks, gains its power over the majority by owning the circulation and distribution of the information inside and outside the internet.
In all these three stages of evolution , there is the source of will that always a minority will control the majority, and also a source of will that the majority controls the majority with self-responsibility and participative democracy. The battle is constant but the evolution is toward more liberty and equality.
Bitcoin suggests the idea, that any person with a computer is entitled to issue currency, that belongs to him/her. In bitcoin this is called "mining". Only if, the bitcoin has much more value relative to USD and EUR, normal mining by a single person would be adequate to create a minimal surviving income. But why involve computers and algorithms for encryption? Here are two simple rules that can be enforced by law, that a currency that may be called HUMANELY MONEY can be issued and circulated
RULE 1. Every person has the right to issue a fixed amount of currency monthly that allows him to his basic needs to survive. (Food, clothes, health care, shelter, transportation etc). This amount may exceed his needs in which case it may be reserved and managed by the collective state for social and ecological needs, in such a way that in total 60% of the total economic value is liquid and is currency (compared e.g. to fixed assets). (The rule of 60% is in correspondence to that 60% of the biosphere and 60% of the biological bodies are liquid) .
RULE 2. At the death of a person all currency that he/she possess is annihilated, and so also for amount that belongs to the state and is estimated that was issued on behalf of the individual and still remain in possession by the state. (So this currency, for constant population and length of life is not inflationary).
Bitcoin suggests the idea, that any person with a computer is entitled to issue currency, that belongs to him/her. In bitcoin this is called "mining". Only if, the bitcoin has much more value relative to USD and EUR, normal mining by a single person would be adequate to create a minimal surviving income. But why involve computers and algorithms for encryption? Here are two simple rules that can be enforced by law, that a currency that may be called HUMANELY MONEY can be issued and circulated
RULE 1. Every person has the right to issue a fixed amount of currency monthly that allows him to his basic needs to survive. (Food, clothes, health care, shelter, transportation etc). This amount may exceed his needs in which case it may be reserved and managed by the collective state for social and ecological needs, in such a way that in total 60% of the total economic value is liquid and is currency (compared e.g. to fixed assets). (The rule of 60% is in correspondence to that 60% of the biosphere and 60% of the biological bodies are liquid) .
RULE 2. At the death of a person all currency that he/she possess is annihilated, and so also for amount that belongs to the state and is estimated that was issued on behalf of the individual and still remain in possession by the state. (So this currency, for constant population and length of life is not inflationary).
One of the functions of money, which is a measure of efficiency in the production activities so as to minimize costs, may be used to prove that the economic system requires major reformation because
1) PROGRAMMED OBSOLESCENCE COST The programmed obsolesce of tangible products increases radically the cost of its utility (almost 3 times) , thus non-efficient economics.
2) MARKETING COSTS The fact that by now in the average at least 80% of the price of a tangible product or intangible service is not the production cost but the marketing cost, proves that by re-designing business so as not to require such high marketing costs will result to a better economy. Unfortunately competition results also to costs 5 times more than the production costs!
3) DEBTS COSTS Again in the price of a products is paid the interest of 2/3 of assets debts to the banks (which can mean that 2/3 of the profits go to the banks) . Or it may mean e.g. for not-for-profit enterprises , that a significant interest rate of banking debt,will trap the enterprise to a forced high rate of growth, which is unrealistic , not supported by the planetary economy, and will lead in short time to a collapse of the enterprise. Such costs again could be eliminated by avoiding or reforming the current monetary and banking system.
4) CAPITAL SOCIAL POWER COSTS Even the high margins of profits in the price of products, which is used not for the growth of the business but for high dividends and capital accumulation ,( which is simply the desire of capital owners for power in the society through money ), could be avoided with efficiently designed not-for-profit business or social and green business.
1) PROGRAMMED OBSOLESCENCE COST The programmed obsolesce of tangible products increases radically the cost of its utility (almost 3 times) , thus non-efficient economics.
2) MARKETING COSTS The fact that by now in the average at least 80% of the price of a tangible product or intangible service is not the production cost but the marketing cost, proves that by re-designing business so as not to require such high marketing costs will result to a better economy. Unfortunately competition results also to costs 5 times more than the production costs!
3) DEBTS COSTS Again in the price of a products is paid the interest of 2/3 of assets debts to the banks (which can mean that 2/3 of the profits go to the banks) . Or it may mean e.g. for not-for-profit enterprises , that a significant interest rate of banking debt,will trap the enterprise to a forced high rate of growth, which is unrealistic , not supported by the planetary economy, and will lead in short time to a collapse of the enterprise. Such costs again could be eliminated by avoiding or reforming the current monetary and banking system.
4) CAPITAL SOCIAL POWER COSTS Even the high margins of profits in the price of products, which is used not for the growth of the business but for high dividends and capital accumulation ,( which is simply the desire of capital owners for power in the society through money ), could be avoided with efficiently designed not-for-profit business or social and green business.
5) LABOR VALUE RELATIVE DECREASE. Finally the last decades it is measured that the increase of productivity in Humanity is not parallel with an increase of the value of the human labor, thus all this technological and economic evolution is not accessible to the economics of the household and it goes not to increase the true utility of households but to capital accumulation and increase of inequalities.
6) Modern forms of business that can avoid even some of the above, could act as catalysts for better evolution in the societies
6) Modern forms of business that can avoid even some of the above, could act as catalysts for better evolution in the societies
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.
“Money is a new form of slavery, from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.

"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity." Abraham Lincoln

"Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands." Theodore Roosevelt

Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." Woodrow Wilson

"The real truth of the matter is,as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson…" Franklin D. Roosevelt (in a letter to Colonel House, dated November 21, 1933)
The power of the private sector enterprises (like the private central banks, and sub-banking system), over the public state, govermnent and economics is the very definition of fascism, according to Mussolini!
The private central banks like FED, and ECB, are 1) Has made the public economy to be non self-sustained, and autonomous 2) has created overwhelming debt for both the private sector and the public economics 3) has deprived vast amounts of money and wealth from both the the private sector and the public economy 4) Is the major source of economic inequalities in the economies.
The emphasis of most of the spiritual teaching about money , abundance of wealth or scarcity and lack of it is that the result of having money and abundance is because of spiritual causes ! And this is basically correct! But a good question is : Are such teachings really useful for the oligarchy that has the money and power, or for the majority that does not have either? We do not really want to imitate the spiritual background of those that have money and power and just diffuse it to those that do not! Because this simple perpetuates the current social reality. E.g. the motto "I have because I am" is mainly used by those that have money and power to explain that they have them, because of some spiritual superiority or meritocracy of providing something useful to the others. It is known that many get rich by providing also something harmful to the many and many that provide something useful are not rewarded at all! Or that they have a superiority e.g. a spirituality of abundance and not lack. The truth is that those that have conduct mainly a hidden will of lack for the many, in spite that fact that they themselves have an abundance of wealth. In reality, their spirituality of abundance is small, private and does not include the totality of the humanity. And what really is functioning in the background of this motto is "I have and they don't have, because I am". And what applies to the majority that does not have is "We do not have, because they are". Now someone that is in the majority and wants to be one that has, is not enough to claim inside him " I can have because I am". Because in this way he will become simply one of those that have money and power. The new ethics and new spirituality is "I have and they have, because I am" . We see immediately how more exact, different and radically more progressive this improved approach is, which does not perpetuate the existing inadequate reality neither justifies those that have against those that they do not have!