Friday 17 March 2023


 Often prophets-catastrophlogists, economists, journalists or simply intellectuals attribute the expected or actual disasters to the "economic bubble" and specifically to the fact that the dollar and euro are inflationary currencies and are issued without gold backing. (Fiat currencies).

But the truth is that another form of "bubble" is responsible for these disasters, such as of Silicon Valley Bank.

The "time bomb with an unpredictable moment of explosion" in the economy is not the inflationary currency or the Fiat currency. It is the "unfair" and toxic  way banks operate for reasons of greed for super-profits.

Banks have two forms of commercial operation.

a) Empty deposits= the nominal value of the deposits is more than 10 times greater than the number of banknotes available to the bank

b) "Empty lending" = the nominal value of the lented money of all the  banks is more than 10 times greater than the number of banknotes in circulating in society (accounting money M1, M2, M3)

Even if the silicon valley bank did not operate with money but with gold deposits and gold lending, it would still collapse due to the bubble of empty-deposits and empty-loans ( reasons of greed for super-profits).

It is like a joggleur-magician who has 10 balls in the air to be recycled (accounting "empty money" M1 M2, M3) while he has two only hands (number of banknotes). However, it gives the impression as if it has 10 hands...

The return to the gold Standard even in a partial form might me expected to happen about the years f the peak of the population on earth, in other words 2045-2065. This is so because the inflationary character of issuing paper currency fits the increase of the population on earth.

Of course, a rule that makes the issues  a currency so that it is not inflationary and much better than the rule of gold is that the back-up (collateral)  of the issued money is the size of the population or perhaps a weighted average of the size of the population, gross domestic product and total fixed assets of the country.

Meanwhile it is much more probable that the central banks world wide will issue parallel to paper currency also digital currency probably partially backed up with gold.

Thursday 23 February 2023







We live in a culture that wrongly puts power as the first value, so understanding what is the next step of evolution becomes easier when it is viewed in the 9 forms of power in society.

Normally as a primary value above any form of power   that should be placed is that each power should serve the evolution of mortal and immortal soul consciousness individually and collectively.


Traditionally in the society there are 9 powers



Everyone must recognize on the basis of scientific evidence that must be found the 
objective truth of the existence of the immortal soul-spirit in every human being and 
the law of its rebirth (reincarnation). But metaphysics must stop there without putting 
forms of power in the world of souls, monarchies (monotheism), 
oligarchies (polytheism), etc. A clear distinction must also be made between 
the material existences in the universe (which are the overwhelming majority and 
volume) and the spiritual existences who are few,. If one insists on a concept 
of "God" then it must not be the totality of material existences or (material) universe, 
at all,  even though it imagines omnipotent influence on a colossal scale because 
it is an influence of matter over consiousness. The only realistic and true concept 
of "God" for the scale of the individual is his individual soul-spirit,
and for the scale of a civilization the collectiveness of 
embodied souls. But this "God" is neither absolutely omnipotent nor the 
creator of all the material universe.
The classical scheme of the hierarchical (tree-like) decision flow in the military must be 
enriched with non-hierarchical schemes such as the matrix form of decision flow.
The French representative form of democracy, although it is completely betrayed today,
must be upgraded to the semi-direct form of democracy as in Switzerland with 
independent referendums that have a veto over the decisions of the parliament and 
governments. And even better to be upgraded to full direct democracy with random 
draws and referendums like in the ancient Greek Athens. The real political human right 
is not the vote but the participation in the decision-making that concerns his fate as in 
direct democracy. Only this self-responsibility cures the alienation and psychosis that 
exists today. The freedoms of the individual but also of the collective must gradually 
increase. Of course instead of  this for the moment we are watching an escalation of a 
hidden totalitarianism. 


The issuing of money must return from the central banks now, back to a not-for-profit 
monetary institution directly under the ministry of finance, as it was before 1690 
world-wide. The backup of the issued   money is the non-material productive capacity
 of the population, i.e. the amount of money issued must be proportional to the 
population and the gross  product, at least 70% of the total economic value and 
not be inflationary. The universal basic income for everyone issued monthly by 
this non-profit organization is a basic economic human right to survive and inherit 
culture. Only the universal basic income can solve the global problem of systemic 
poverty worldwide. Economic inequalities must be gradually reduced on the basis 
of social and political economy decisions. Of course instead of  this for the 
moment  we are watching an escalation of a hidden totalitarianism of 
central banks digital  currencies. 
The judicial power must be reformed from the current oligarchic bureaucratic careerist 
form which has  now, which is very vulnerable to political and economic manipulation,
 to a direct democracy with random draw of  a large number of juries-judges as it was 
in ancient Greek Athens which is more invulnerable to corruption , and manipulation.
The power of mass media, in order to be more objective, must become more 
invulnerable to economic or political manipulation and one way is that the basic
 expenses of such an enterprise must be at first not for profit and the expenses are 
covered by the central state monetary not for profit organization that issues the money
 and not by the banking system or other financing. Of course, freedom of speech is a 
basic human right.


The development of the sciences still has a long way to go. In science there are 7 major
 grand fallacies that are not supported by reality which are analyzed in another article 
and the space here does not allow us to expand further. But we remind the reader that
 the power from human to human that the technology allows, is not the highest value 
per se, but like any form of power it must serve the evolution of mortal and immortal 
soul consciousness. The artificial intelligence, although it may surpass the biological 
capabilities of the material mortal brain, is never going to surpass the potential of the 
join synergy of the  mortal and immortal mental and soul human consciousness.
The power of the secret services (military and counter-espionage) as well as the secret 
masonries, should never dominate over all other forms of power, especially on the 9th. 
In the event that unknown terrestrial or extraterrestrial technologies fall into the hands 
of the power of the secret services, there will be great damage to the evolution of 
civilization and an escalating totalitarianism , if these technologies are not publicly opened 
in the universities in order to  accelerate the technological evolution which will be a 
defense against extraterrestrial  tyrannical threats but also in order not to increase 
social inequalities.
The action of the mass of the majority with the daily choices, is the major power, but 
for now passive and apparently as if in hypnosis. The future of this power is the increase
 of freedoms, decrease of inequalities and increase of self-responsibility. This future is 
also the cure from the mass alienation and some kind of psychosis from which it is 
suffering now. This power is the one power which should legitimately dominate all 
others in order to serve the evolution of mortal and immortal soul consciousness 
individually and collectively, but which is at the present very far from dominating 
all others. 


Saturday 11 February 2023


 We present  the new 5 basic human rights



No man, nor society, can imprison anyone  unless it is punishment  for a crime after impartial trial. In any case, no torture is permissible for anyone either for retaliation or with the excuse of national security. Similarly no one can force to someone a specific form of healing when there are alternatives that the person prefers.  





2.1) Given the abolition of the rule of gold, each person has a direct and individual right by his name, without borrowing, on any money issued by any organization, like ministry of finance or central bank etc. This right is analogous to the automatic right to health insurance.


2.2) Everyone, as a heir of the civilization which has been created by the the previous generations, is entitled, as a measure of basic freedom of survival , from the day of birth till the day of death, to a minimum subsistence allowance of survival, for food, clothing, shelter and transport. And this right is analogous to the automatic right to health insurance.





Every person and citizen  has not only the right to vote in politics  in equal terms with each other, but also has the right to express his or her direct voter's decision (direct, not representative democracy) in any political decision, particularly those concerning him directly , without the mediation of representatives (political parties, parliaments, senates  and governments).


4) INFORMATION RIGHTS (privacy of personal data, public data transparency)


Everyone is entitled to the secrecy of privacy and personal  information, for reasons similar to the secrecy of political polls. In no case a massive national scale  violation of it is to be allowed , through the internet or other ways, to do so without a judicial decision, which may apply only to particular individual and only very few individual cases. On the other hand no institution or organization has the right to hide from the public, or the state information significant for the collective function of the society (e.g. information about owners of the central banks, and details of how , when and with what transactions, money is issued and circulated)


5) METAPHYSICAL  RIGHTS (freedom of religion or religions)


No one , the society or institutions etc can impose on a person without his consent a morality  of the type, that the spiritual path or the path of evolution of the human consciousness  passes exclusively through a particular religion, or  historical person or an absent   existence or the small group of existences visible the invisible. Everyone is encouraged to be in contact with his deeper spirit and soul consciousness, but only when these collectively converge, then the society and civilization actually prospers.


a) Psychiatrist claim that humanity is suffering from a psychosis and neurosis which is a form of strong alienation (loss of the human deeper   soul-self).

 b) This alienation is the product of the powerful interference in the individual that violate he above 5 human rights by the centers and institutions of power of an escalating totalitarianism and escalating inequalities. Politicians decide the fate of the person instead of the person himself political rights of the direct democracy, Banks or employers decide for his economic survival violating his economic human right of universal basic income, The state medical pandemic measures decide for his health while the person cannot choose the form of treatment he wants (Hippocrates oath) violating his physical human right.  The state secretly spies in the individuals violating their privacy human right etc.

c) The healing comes through the individual's freedom from these centers of  power which also means a reduction of the inequalities of power. So through increasing self-responsibility the individual can find his true deep soul-self again. the individual can choose his fate (direct democracy) the forms of healing that he prefers (preventive medicine) . He has  economic survival (decentralized digital currencies that provide the universal basic income) and can decide freely what to do in his work (collaborative and cooperative forms of entrepreneurship. 

d) The health of self-responsibility comes when the person follows his deepest immortal soul but also his mortal soul rather than   external impersonal material or personified center of authority. The unity of the civilization is a unity of principles and values of incarnated souls.


Saturday 8 August 2020



1.       Poverty is at a high percentage
And many people
Understand it as
A result of meritocracy

2.      So society tries to solve it
Through the mercy of charity
But poverty
Is not solvable by charity
Neither it is entirely true
That it is a result
Of meritocracy
3.      If at a hundred people
You give each a thousand dollars
And a pair of fair dices
To play blindly for a week
At the end of the week
More than 80% of the total money
Would be concentrated
In less than 20% of them
And a high percentage
Would be moneyless
In poverty.
Fair money accounting transactions
Could never guarantee
A fair distribution
Of money
In the society

4.      Even if each one of us
Who make the society
Were clone copies
Of the same person
Still a high percentage
Would be in poverty
Because it is the
Statistical inevitable
and certain result
of the rules, institutions
and laws of the system
5.      Deterministic causality and certainty
At the micro-scale
Of the individual
Is different from the
Statistical seemingly random
Causality and certainty
At the macro-economic scale
If the Pareto rule holds
in other words
More than 80% of the
wealth, resources use and power, 
is conentrated 
in less than 20% of the population
then also
More than 80% of the
present state of the society
has its causes
in less than 20% of the 
upper society population
clearly a non-democratic situation
6.      So given that the system
Is such that
As in the game
Of Russian roulette
It is statistically certain
That at the end of the decade
A gigh percentage
Would be in poverty
Which is even more clear
During the banking
Economic crises
That are created by the system
Who among the good people
Would like to feel responsible
In the bad joy
Of such a system crime?
7.      And although it is difficult
Fix a complicated system
It is a basic human right
To be able to survive
Tobe free from the need in poverty
As is a basic human right
To have free health care
Therefore, my friends
An unconditional and free
Basic income
That would eliminate poverty
Is a minimum remedy
For our economic system
So that the poverty
Is not a system crime
if we want it to be friendly
to the human spiritual existence.

8.      And for those wondering
Where all this money
will be found for
the free basic income
I remind them
That money is not
under the rule of gold
it is this way or another
continuously issued
in a gradual inflation way
 from nothingness in the computers
of the central banks
And it is a matter of laws
who has the privilege to issue it
and how it will circulate
in the society.
It is therefore a basic human right
That the central banks
Should not be banks
But only not-for-profit public
 central monetary organizations
directly under the ministries of finances
and the public decisions of the parliaments
and issuing non-inflation money
which circulates in the society
mainly not through debt.


Tuesday 7 January 2020



The 5 toxic functions of the monetary and banking system are described below. They are not only of the commercial banks but of the central Bank as well. Either the central bank being private as in Italy and Greece or public as in England:

1)  Macroeconomic enforcement of debt. 
Because from the moment of new issuing of the base of the currency (sometimes denoted by M0 money) and banknotes of the central bank, the supply and circulation of it is exclusively through debt. Either as debt of the commercial banks, or as debt of the public sector when public bonds are bought with it by the central bank. The non-election-able bureaucrats of the central bank do not know better what is good even financially for the society compared to the total sequence ofthe governments, partliaments , Universities and the rest of the collective intelligence of the civilization. The central bank should not be a bank at all, but a non-profit public organization, othewise its function is unethical and toxic! The same tocic function have also the commercial banks, that also enforce in a macroeconomic the debt in the society, The circulation of money starting from the central bank to the commercial banks and from the commercial banks to the rest of the economy, is forced to be by debt. They do not allow other forms of supply of money from the moments the banknote (base of the currency) is issued. The central bank issues the base of the currency (M0 money) and the commercial banks the accounting money M1, M2, M3. All ofthe M0, M1, M2, M3 circulates exclusively by debt. This  is not the case e.g. with other digtal currences, the digtal cryptocurrencies like the bitcoin etc
2)  Empty-lending.
As the commercial banks are creating the M1, M2, M3 money, which are debt ,that they create in society , the do so with rules so that the total M1+M2+M3 it is by far larger than the existing money in circulation in bank notes (M0 money). Therefore, the moment the acrobatics of timing-balance of mutual payments collapses, like a castle of playing cards of a deck, a new debt crisis is created. This is unavoidable to happen every 70-100 years, on the occusio of a fast change in the economy.
3)  Money-issuing mediating.
After analyzing the balance sheets of most banks and in the majority of the years, it becomes clear that the role of the commercial banks is to intermediate between the money M0 and bank notes that the central banks is issuing and the rest of the economy that wants to use. The obvious reason for this is that a commercial bank finds cheaper to borrow money from the central bank and then lend it in the economy, compared to attract deposits from the households and enterprises and then lend it. Thus the old fashioned “positive image" of the reason of existence of the banks so as to collect surplus money and supply it to the productive sector is naive and incorrect. As many intermediating agents and roles in the economy, it does not really act productively but in a parasitic way puts the breaks in the development of the really productive economy. Thus statistically in the average the debt-burden or debt-capital of every enterprise is about double the equities or owneres capital (debt capital equal to about 2/3 of the total assest). The parasitic role of the money-issuing mediating is so  especially when it is a finacial human right of surviving for every person to have direct access, personally, to the issued base-currency , at least in the form of a basic income. 
4) Abusive monopolistic ownership of money issuing. 
This toxic functions is mainly for the central bank which issues the base of the currency (M0 money).  The commercial banks  create the accounting money M1, M2 , M3.
It is monopolistic because normally   this jurisdiction and role of issuing the base of the currency M0 should belong to the public sector, the Ministry of Finance which can perform it without enforcing debt, and not to private investors (in the case of private central banks) , or even group of non-election-able independent bureaucrats (case of independent public central bank) . There is the  article 123 of the agreement for the function of the European Union  (Maastricht) , which states that the bureaucrats of the European Central Bank , they are not obliged to ask the opinion or take the permission of any government or parliament in the Eurozone in their decisions for issuing money, regulating interest rates and suppling it in the economies!
5) De-facto abusiveness of decision making in politics through monopolistic money decisions.
Exactly because of the above,  article 123 of the agreement for the function of the European Union  (Maastricht) , which states that the bureaucrats of the European Central Bank , they are not obliged to ask the opinion or take the permission of any government or parliament in the Eurozone in their decisions for issuing money, regulating interest rates and suppling it in the economies, the governments have lost their basic ability of running their politics, because obviously any kind of politics costs  money  and requires controlling the issuing and circulation of money. Especially when the currency is no longer a scarce resource (as the rule of the gold in issuing of money does not hold anymore) but an instrument to enforce power in the societies. The non-election-able and non-publicly elected bureaucrats of the central bank do not know better what is good even financially for the society compared to the total sequence ofthe governments, partliaments , Universities andthe rest of the collective intelligence of the civilization. The central bank should not be a bank at all, but a non-profit public organization, othewise its function is unethical and toxic!

All the above  create in a periodic way of 70-100 years  great debt crises  and economic destructions in the societies.

More about that here 

or here

Outline video presentation here



1.       Poverty is at a high percentage
And many people
Understand it as
A result of meritocracy

2.      So society tries to solve it
Through the mercy of charity
But poverty
Is not solvable by charity
Neither it is entirely true
That it is a result
Of meritocracy

3.      If at a hundred people
You give each a thousand dollars
And a pair of fair dices
To play blindly for a week
At the end of the week
More than 80% of the total money
Would be concentrated
In less than 20% of them
And a high percentage
Would be moneyless
In poverty.
Fair money accounting transactions
Could never guarantee
A fair distribution
Of money
I the society

4.      Even if each one of us
Who make the society
Were clone copies
Of the same person
Still a high percentage
Would be in poverty
Because it is the
Statistical inevitable
and certain result
of the rules, institutions
and laws of the system

5.      Deterministic causality and certainty
At the micro-scale
Of the individual
Is different from the
Statistical seemingly random
Causality and certainty
At the macro-economic scale

6.      So given that the system
Is such that
As in the game
Of Russian roulette
It is statistically certain
That at the end of the decade
A gigh percentage
Would be in poverty
Which is even more clear
During the banking
Economic crises
That are created by the system
Who among the good people
Would like to feel responsible
In the bad joy
Of such a system crime?

7.      And although it is difficult
Fix a complicated system
It is a basic human right
To be able to survive
Tobe free from the need in poverty
As is a basic human right
To have free health care
Therefore, my friends
An unconditional and free
Basic income
That would eliminate poverty
Is a minimum remedy
For our economic system
So that the poverty
Is not a system crime
if we want it to be friendly
to the human spiritual existence.

8.      And for those wondering
Where all this money
will be found for
the free basic income
I remind them
That money is not
under the rule of gold
it is this way or another
continuously issued
in a gradual inflation way
 from nothingness in the computers
of the central banks
And it is a matter of laws
who has the privilege to issue it
and how it will circulate
in the society.
It is therefore a basic human right
That the central banks
Should not be banks
But only not-for-profit public
 central monetary organizations
directly under the ministries of finances
and the public decisions of the parliaments
and issuing non-inflation money
which circulates in the society
mainly not through debt.